I love to celebrate as most of you have guessed by my blog. Always finding reasons to celebrate can be hard. This is why I love when special days are set aside to celebrate.
Valentine defined in Webster's is a gift or greeting given to a sweetheart, or also a sweetheart chosen or complimented on Valentine's Day. Who will be your chosen one on Valentine's day?
The origin of Valentines day is sort of all over the page. The one thing that seems to reign true is there were several St. Valentine's who were all martyred for different causes they believed in, for those they cared about. From this has grown a huge holiday of candy, jewelry, flowers and cards, just some of the ways we show how much we love those we care about.
However you choose to celebrate Valentine's day remember the St. Valentines and give yourself unconditionally to your sweetheart and let them know you would even be willing to die for them you love them so much. Which brings me to the most sacrificial Valentine giver of all time. Our Creator Father God who gave His very own Son as a Valentine for us. So when you give your Valentines, whatever you choose to give, give sacrificially and unselfishly. The rewards will be great!!!!!