Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What is Celebrate?

The definition of celebrate is so different to so many people and so many cultures. What one person finds to celebrate another finds odd or the least bit interested in celebrating. My challenge to everyone out there is to find a reason to celebrate. Disney has an old movie Pollyanna, in it a little girl always "finds a reason for being glad". She calls it the "glad game". Sort of a "when life hands you lemons" thing.
Our society here in America has gotten so far away from celebrating or finding a reason for being glad. It has almost become an "I deserve to be happy and it is up to you to make me happy" game.
My goal here on Celebrate is to turn it around. Make others glad and it will definitely come back to you. Seek to celebrate and make a difference in others lives. Celebrating is so much more than just special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries,etc. Create a memory, celebrate life and give someone a reason to celebrate for a lifetime!!!