Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Am a Man!!!!

I am a man!!! I know this is a strange confession to make. To some it may come as somewhat of a shock. So stick with me and by the end of this it should all make sense. I am a man!! It just so happens that I am a "wo" man. I am a conservative, Christian, homeschooling, domestic engineer in charge of housing,transportation, education and finance kind of "wo"man. I love what I do and in no way shape or form feel inferior for being this kind of a "wo" man.

When God created man in the Garden of Eden here is what He said: “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness....... (and then the bible goes on to say) So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

There are always people out there who are offended that the word "man" is used in the bible. It is time we take this word in context to help ease the anxieties of all the women out there that take offense to this. The word man is used in several different ways in the entire bible. Sometimes, as in this case, it refers to mankind as a whole, a people group, human beings. Some times it refers specifically to men or males. The majority of the New Testament the word "man" is refering to mankind as  a whole unless it specifically mentions women. As women that means we are not off the hook we need to obey the commands that mention "man" as well as "woman", when it is refering to mankind as a whole.

Now, I am not talking about a feminist equality but a spiritual equality. The bible is very clear in Romans 14:12 that we will all answer to God for ourselves. Not for our husbands, not for our children but for ourselves!!!! Feminists cry out for equality here on this earth. There will never be equality in the flesh here on earth due to sin. God set a specific order in place here on earth. He created the flesh of man (male) then He created the flesh of woman (female). Our spiritual equality comes when we are willing give into (submit to) His plan for our lives. The husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church. Wives are to submit to their husbands as long as their husbands are submitting to Christ. (Abuse whether physical or emotional is a whole other blog. It is never tolerated by God nor should it be tolerated by "man"(mankind).) When we understand our sprirtual equality all other things in God's Word will fall into place in our life. If we look to the world we will always be dissatisfied with who we are.

 When God brought Eve to Adam he named her "wo"man. Genesis 2:23tells us Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." I like to think that when God brought Eve to Adam, Adam said "WOH"!! Man is she beautiful!!!" And that is where we get our term for "woman" from. I know it didn't happen that way but God did make us different. We are softer more squishy. We have emotions that sometimes can't be explained. We can be hard to understand (this is why God said for men to live with their wives with understanding). We have discernment when it comes to sprirtual things and also the character of others. We have been given a spiritual equality that transcends all other equalities. Let's dive into that equality to draw us closer to Him. Allowing His Image to shine through us to others. Being content with who God made us to be. Be confident with who you are in Christ!!! He made us Man!! We just happen to have the flesh of "wo"man. Draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to you. Thank Him for creating you in His Image.

 So if God, who made me in His Image wants to refer to me as man, so be it!!! I am a Man!!!!