Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Celebrate Giving

What do you have to give? I just finished reading the story of the widow who gave her last two coins she had left to her name in Luke 21 and Mark 12. It is kind of amusing to think that a simple story of only about three verses came from Jesus sitting back observing what was going on around him. He saw the rest of the people putting in out of their abundance but this one woman put in all she had. It wasn't  out of her abundance it was all she had to give.
   Lately I have been feeling I have nothing of any value to give. All I have is who I am, and in my eyes this is not much. Until this morning!, my daughter was wanting to give an offering to an orphanage in South America for special needs children. She said to me I don't have much to give when other people can give so much more. That was when I thought of this story and shared it with my daughter. Those special needs kids are not going to say "so and so gave $xxxx but this 19 year old college student only gave$xx!!" . They will just be thankful for more food on the table, maybe some new clothes, diaper changes more often etc. I told my daughter give what you have not what you don't have. But more importantly don't hold back just because you don't feel what you have is enough.
  I needed to take that lesson to heart!! I was teaching myself in the process. I need to allow God to use what I have to give and not try to give out of a "super woman" status. I hope this helps someone. All I can give is who I am!!!! What are your two coins to give? Be willing to give  who you are and others will notice!!! Besides this whole story came about because Jesus was sitting back observing what was going on around him. I want him to observe me giving all I am and not just out of my abundance.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

#Celebrating Blogging!!!

Today I am celebrating blogs!!! Is there anything better than people writing what is on their heart? I have had such a struggle blogging. The more I talk to others that have blogs the more I see and hear that the struggle to blog on a daily or even a weekly basis is a constant battle. So, today I celebrate all of you bloggers out there that are taking the time to share your passions and wisdom.
    I celebrate Julianne Howell's blog . Her insight and wisdom to authors out there is such a help. Her passion for life and the written word is reflected in everything she does.
    I celebrate Lauren Miller's blog Legally Lauren. Her biblical wisdom is beyond her years!!! She shares such insightful things from the bible. You really se her heart and that she has put alot of thought into what she writes as a Law Student, but more so as someone striving for God's best in her life.
    Today I celebrate all you bloggers out there!!! Never give up!!! People are blessed by what you write even if you think noone is reading.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Celebrating Health

A picture of lettuce? What does a picture of lettuce have to do with celebrating? Several weeks ago I posted a picture of lettuce on facebook only to be inundated with comments and posts as to how I got that from my backyard. Little did I know that that picture would begin a journey of Celebrating Health!!! MDH(My Dear Hubby) and I have embarked on a journey of becoming plant strong. This journey has led us to a renewd sense of health and wellness to enjoy more of life together. 14 pounds for me and 17 pounds for him!!! The weightloss is great but the health benefits are even better. Lower cholesterol, clear thinking, & overall healthy feeling. How are you Celebrating your health today? The choices we make everyday will determine our future. Do you have a "picture of lettuce" that will help you examine your life and take you on a journey to celebrate an area in your life that you would like to change? Be willing to go for it!! The benefits will "feel" great!!!!